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dc.contributor.authorVerne, Jules-
dc.contributor.authorVerne, Michel-
dc.description.abstractIn the Year 2889 (La Journée d’un journaliste américain en 2889 in French) is an 1889 short story published under the name of Jules Verne, but now believed to be mainly the work of his son Michel Verne, based on his father's ideas. The story follows the publisher of a very influent media empire in the year 2889. Among the predictions announced: pneumatic tubes carrying passengers across the oceans at 1500 km/h., video conferences, a life expectancy of 68 years, home delivery of aseptic meals, advertisements projected on clouds, "Phototelegrams" from Mars, Mercury and Venus, resolution of equations of the 95th degree, a space of 24 dimensions, telescopes of a diametre of 3 km, chemical and bacteriological war, natality control in China, flying cars and others.en_US
dc.rightsPUBLIC DOMAIN This work is in Public Domain and no exclusive intellectual property rights apply to it in the countries of this e-library project. These rights has expired or been forfeited. Anyone can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking a permission. Still, who would like to use this text or quote a part of it, he or she is obliged to cite its author and source.en
dc.subjectscience fictionen_US
dc.subjectshort storiesen_US
dc.titleIn the Year 2889en_US
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