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dc.contributor.authorVerne, Jules-
dc.description.abstractThe story begins in the United States, where the heroine, Mistress Branican, suffers a mental breakdown after the death by drowning of her young son. On recovering, she learns that her husband, Captain Branican, has been reported lost at sea. Having acquired a fortune, she is able to launch an expedition to search for her husband, who she is convinced is still alive. She leads the expedition herself and trail leads her into the Australian hinterland.en_US
dc.rightsPUBLIC DOMAIN This work is in Public Domain and no exclusive intellectual property rights apply to it in the countries of this e-library project. These rights has expired or been forfeited. Anyone can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking a permission. Still, who would like to use this text or quote a part of it, he or she is obliged to cite its author and source.en_US
dc.titleMistress Branicanen_US
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