Title: A Prefect's Uncle
Authors: Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville
Keywords: comic novel;school
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: Project Gutenberg
Abstract: A Prefect's Uncle is an early novel by author P. G. Wodehouse, one of his school stories for children.The action of the novel takes place at the fictional public school Beckford College, a boarding school for boys. The title alludes to the arrival at the school of a mischievous young boy called Reginald Farnie, who turns out to be the uncle of the older "Bishop" Gethryn, a prefect, cricketer and popular figure in the school. His arrival, along with that of another youngster, Wilson, who becomes a personal servant to Gethryn's friend Marriott, leads to much excitement and scandal in the school, and the disruption of some important cricket matches.
URI: https://tlor.svkos.cz/handle/123456789/597
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