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dc.contributor.authorLewis, C. S.-
dc.description.abstractInstead of being in the land of Narnia itself, the children are aboard a sailing ship called the Dawn Treader, and they take part in King Caspian X's quest to find the seven lost lords of Narnia who went to explore the uncharted Eastern Seas and never returned.en_US
dc.rightsPUBLIC DOMAIN IN CANADA This ebook is made available at no cost and with very few restrictions. These restrictions apply only if (1) you make a change in the ebook (other than alteration for different display devices), or (2) you are making commercial use of the ebook. If either of these conditions applies, please check gutenberg.ca/links/licence.html before proceeding. This work is in the Canadian public domain, but may be under copyright in some countries. If you live outside Canada, check your country's copyright laws. If the book is under copyright in your country, do not download or redistribute this file.en_US
dc.subjectfantasy novelen_US
dc.subjectfantasy novelen_US
dc.titleThe Voyage of the Dawn Treaderen_US
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